Friday, November 13, 2015

Sometimes time gets away from you...

Life has been busy...that's my only excuse from taking a break from blogging. Between Olivia starting preschool, to work schedules, family functions and life in general...things have been crazy...but I'm back! Miss me??

Good things have been going on along with some not so good things, but we've been rolling with the punches and always thankful for a new day. 

September 26 we welcomed our handsome nephew, Ian to our family. He is happy and healthy and I can't wait to watch him grow! He was a missing puzzle piece to our family and we are beyond thankful for this little guy...

Handsome boy!

The Walk of Hope was fantastic. We raised a bunch of money and walked with some of our loved ones to show support to those who suffer with Infertility. Thank you to all those who participated and donated! Your support never goes unnoticed. 

Our miracle. Isn't she just perfect?

 Showing love to our angels...always with us.

In October we took a much needed family vacation to our most favorite place on earth, Disney World! I've always been a huge fan of Disney, but even more so now that I'm a mom. Experiencing "Disney Magic" through your child's eyes is priceless- worth every penny! Plus it was great to get away and escape reality for a bit. 

Halloween was so much fun. This was the first year Olivia picked her own costume (not gonna lie, it hurt a bit that I couldn't pick it for her). She wasn't a fan of her school Halloween parade, but she loved dressing up and trick-or-treating with her cousins. Weather bit us in the butt yet again, but kids from the Midwest are tough and total troopers. I was proud of our little people...

A couple weeks ago I took Olivia to the park and brought my camera with (I know, shocking, right?). It was just the two of us...laughing, playing, getting dirty. I snapped pictures of her goofing off and well, just being a kid. When I got home later I looked at the pictures and couldn't help but notice how big she's gotten over the past few months. People always say you forget how little they are, but I don't agree. I haven't forgotten. Maybe that's because I scroll through the 3000+ pictures I have on my phone on a daily basis, or maybe it's because I'm holding on so tight to her baby years because I'm no where near being ready for her to grow up and get big. Regardless, it's happening. She's getting big and the baby in her is slowly fading and all I can do is sit back and capture every single moment of this kids life. Gulp. As mature as I try to be, I feel like throwing a crying fit every time I pack away the clothes she's grown out of. My God, time goes by way too fast. 

Fast forward to today- and here we are. And I know what you're wondering...I mean, that is the point of my blog anyway, right? 

I mentioned in past blogs that I've been having some health issues. It's been since June and I have yet to be diagnosed with anything. I just recently changed all of my doctors and hope to have better luck. My next appointment is with a Rheumatologist in a couple of weeks. I'm not hopeful that he'll be able to help, but I'm rolling with the punches and doing as I'm told. 

With that said, the next IVF round has yet to be scheduled, but my HOPE and plan is to do another round in February- which means I'll have to make the call right after Christmas. I've gone back and forth in my head as to whether or not I should move forward, but I still have no answers and it's been 5 months! I'm not getting any younger, I want another baby and I promised this kid a sibling! So as of today, the plan is February. Deep breath...

Say a little prayer that we get some answers and I start feeling better. 2015 was suppose to be my year (at least that's what I told myself on New Years Eve). I just want to feel better and move on with my life. Is that too much to ask?

Before I sign off for tonight I wanted to share one more picture....

My family. Not complete, but perfect nonetheless. I mean, look at that kid. She takes my breath away. 

Oops! One more...


There. I'm done now. Goodnight friends. 

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