Friday, August 18, 2017

The start of a new journey

There's no parent handbook that tells you what to expect or how to handle certain situations. You just go through every day trying to be your best and make the right decisions for your kid(s).

I had my Olivia 5 years ago, yet it feels like just yesterday. I remember being at the store trying to find shorts that would fit so I could go to my nephew's birthday party. It was 4 days after I had Olivia. My hair was a mess, I hadn't showered in a few days and I was running on a few hours sleep....but I was in heaven. While checking out, the lady in front of me turned around and told me to take it in because it goes by way too fast. I remember thinking, "I hope not too, too fast..."

Today, my Olivia started Kindergarten. She started full day, five days a week Kindergarten.

I can't even type out that sentence without crying. As happy as I am for her (because I am), my heart hurts. I never believed in growing pains, until now. This is hard...

The end of summer break brings most moms together so they can celebrate their kids being out of the house and back in school. Not this mama! If I could I would keep her with me all day long. If my husband would let me I'd quit my job and homeschool this child. She's my little buddy, my best friend, my mini me...and she's my only. This milestone was one I've been trying to avoid. Quite simply, I'm just not ready.

Kindergarten officially closes the door to those baby years that you try so hard to hold on to. I grasped on to every single day for the past five years. I know there are more milestones to come and it's not like I just sent her to boarding school, but shit...she will be in school for the next 17 (maybe more) years. I'll never get those baby years back...and I loved every single moment of those years.

Olivia is a miracle. I mean every kid is, but Olivia really is a miracle baby. She was the baby we weren't sure we would be able to have. She was the baby they put into my arms and I thought, this is what love at first sight means. She was so easy. She still is. She slept through the night at 3 months. She never fussed. Never screamed. Has yet to throw a full blown temper tantrum in public. We get compliments that she has the best manners. She is kind. Funny. Everyone loves having a conversation with her because it's like you're talking to a little old lady. She is the definition of perfection.

I've taken thousands upon thousands of pictures of this child. We have gone above and beyond for birthdays, family vacations and every day adventures. We have always been well aware that time would go by fast...but never dreamed it would go as fast as everyone always says it does. I'm not sure we will ever be blessed to have another child, but if we can't, what I do know is that we hit the jackpot with this child. I'm proud of this little family of mine and everything that we have accomplished together. We hit this milestone out of the park...can't wait to see what's next.

To my Olivia...

If you only knew how proud we are of you. I hope this next adventure is everything and more. I hope you spread your kindness and show the world how special you really are. You're going to do great things. I can't wait to hear everything you've learned day in and day out. I hope you push yourself and step outside of your comfort zone. Meet new kids. Make new friends. Smile to everyone that walks by. When someone appears to be "different" know that different is good. When someone isn't kind to you, keep your head held high. Always be the bigger person. Kindness goes a long way and this world could use more kids like you. 

I know you were nervous about today, so was I, but know that we were so proud the moment you took that first step onto the bus. You're a big girl now. As much as I tell you to slow down and to stop getting big- here you are, beautiful as ever, going to a big girl school! 

I can't wait to continue watching you grow. Fly high kid, the opportunities are endless. Let's make the most out of this life, together. We love you to pieces my little lu. 

See you at the bus stop. 


PS- I have the best family and friends a girl could ask for. Thank you to all who called/text me this morning to check in. The tears were flowing from both Don and I...but we made it. Now, we patiently wait for our love to come home.

We couldn't have got through this morning if it weren't for my niece, Grace. Olivia and Grace are now going to the same school together, and riding the same bus together. Grace has taken it upon herself to look after our Olivia and guide her like any great big cousin would. Even though there were a few tears this morning, I know Olivia got on the bus today because of Grace. We love you Grace- and thank you for taking your "job" so serious. Here is a note Grace wrote herself before bed last night...

This picture is of two proud parents crying on their walk home...his tears this morning made me think that homeschooling could have been an option ;)

and a few more...

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