Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dear Olivia...

Dear Olivia,

Today is your first day of 3 year old Preschool. Who said you could get so big???

Mommy and Daddy just dropped you off at your new big girl school. You took the hand of a teacher and walked into the school with your head up. Not a single tear. As for your parents...neither of us left with a dry eye. Me personally, my heart hurts.  I've been preparing myself for a year now that this day would be coming, but not once did I ever imagine that it would get here so fast.

It feels like just yesterday I was standing in line at the grocery store trying to calm you as you were crying your little head off. Trying to balance a cart full or groceries and a hysterically hungry two month old made me feel like a stunt devil trying to accomplish the impossible. It was just then that the lady in front of us looked at me with a little chuckle and said, "It gets easier and it goes by in a flash. Take it in." I'll never forget those words. As hard as it was that day in the grocery store I remember thinking, "well I hope it doesn't go too fast..."

And here we are, 3 years later. Growing up I always measured a year by how many more months it would take for another birthday of my own. We all know your Mom loves a good birthday party. And though I take pride in throwing your little birthday parties, it pains me to see another year in the books. If time could just slow down a smidge...that's my biggest wish these days.

It's no secret, your Dad and I worked real hard to get you. We prayed, struggled, and cried many a night until the day you were born. You were and are worth every ounce of pain we ever endured. You define the meaning of life. Having you as our child has brought so much joy into our lives. We are grateful for you. We have made it a point to take in every single memory we have created for you. We try going above and beyond so you know how special you are. I hope you know how much you are loved.

This past winter I researched the best of the best schools for our little Olivia. I looked up reviews, I heard recommendations and I spoke with schools and had them tell me why they were "the best". I interviewed them, they didn't interview me. I thought long and hard about what school you would go to. This was a big deal for us because you've never spent a day in daycare and have never spent a moment without a family member looking after you, keeping you safe.

Your Dad and I went to the orientation of your new big girl school and immediately fell in love. Walking in we had our guard up. We needed to feel comfortable with our decision and leaving that day we had no doubt that you would be safe and happy. We both said that we had to make the most of the coming months. We needed to keep you little for as long as we could.

Last night was hard for me (your Dad has been crying for days). I prayed that you would love school and that they would teach you great things while keeping you safe. The thought of dropping off my 3 year old didn't sit well with me. I kept toying with the idea of perhaps waiting another year- or how about home school!? But no, this is what's best for you. This is your time to fly.

Olivia...I hope you love it. I hope you love the school we picked for you. I hope you love your teacher and all of the friends you are about to meet. You're shy just like your Mama. I hope you come out of your little shell and show the world how special you are. I hope you dream the biggest dream. There is no impossible for you, the possibilities are endless. I hope you love to learn. I hope you learn to tackle any challenge that comes your way. From the day you were born we have always wanted the best for you. I hope you want the best for yourself too.

You are going to do great. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I am constantly talking about you and bragging to family and friends. I'll do this for the rest of my life because you make me so proud. Your kindness shines through your face. I bet you're going to come home today with a dozen friends. Who wouldn't want to be friends with my Olivia!?

As for us (Mommy and Daddy)- we'll be ok. No matter how big you are, no matter how old you are, you will always be our baby. Just promise you won't get too big too fast. It will still be cool watching Frozen and Mickey Clubhouse with your parents on a Saturday night when you're 16. Right?

Dream big, Olivia Hope. The world is in the palm of your hands.

I love you, my little Lulu. I'll see you when the dismissal bell rings (in 64 minutes).


PS- Your Daddy chose the white milk. I would have picked chocolate.

Olivia did great!!

Her parents, not so much...

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