Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Making an adoption wish come true

I remember the day I was told that IVF was my only option. My tubes were blocked, I didn’t ovulate on my own and my body didn’t produce the necessary hormones to carry a pregnancy.

I was devastated.

I had heard of IVF, but I was naive as to what all it entailed. I remember sitting in the car crying because I wasn’t sure how much it was going to cost and how we would pay for it. My husband is a police officer and I’m in advertising. Decent jobs sure, but we’re not rolling in the money by any means.

I picked up the phone and called my Dad.

Everything I own- car, college education, credit cards, phone bills, wedding- it’s mine, all mine. We grew up with two parents who had plenty of money, but they were all about instilling values in their children. We never asked for money (unless it was for popcorn and a movie). Nothing was ever owed to us. We worked for everything we wanted. All four of us had jobs at 15. It’s just the way we were raised.

I was at my lowest of lows and I felt this was an exception.

“Dad. We have to do IVF. I heard it could run about $30,000. I don’t know how much insurance will cover, but should it not make a dent- you need pay for this.”

My Dad was a little thrown off. I pretty much demanded that he pony up $30,000. I wasn’t disrespectful, but desperate.

“I want a baby and money isn’t going to stop me. If I need the money you have to give it to me.”

My Dad told me not to panic and that we would work something out should it get to that. In the back of my mind I was thinking, “Yeah, we’ll work something out. You’re going to pay for it.”

Thankfully…and trust me when I say this…I thank God for the amount that our insurance covered.  Sure we’ve had our fair share of out of pocket expenses, but nothing in the amount of $30,000. We are very fortunate.

A couple years ago I sat in the waiting room waiting for Dr. Binor. I was flipping through a magazine while listening to another patient’s conversation with the office manager. They were going over the cost of her IVF procedure. I remember hearing her cry asking the office manager how she was going to pay for this. The manager was sympathetic while telling her she was sorry.

I sat there feeling so angry. How do you put a price tag on a baby? I mean, I know it’s the medical field. I know there are risks involved, but seriously, most insurance plans don’t offer sufficient coverage for infertility. Why make it so out of reach for hard working people who just want to become parents? It’s hard enough that they need fertility assistance in the first place.

I sat in the office feeling sorry for this girl. I told myself that one day, when I have the money, I will start a grant and it will go towards an IVF patient that would make a fantastic Mom/Dad.

Unfortunately I’m not there yet. I’m still trying to figure out my own fertility mess, but what I can do is help raise awareness and money for people who are just like me.

Today, I’m asking for your help.

My sister-in-law has been in my life for 20 years now. Her family is our family. It’s been no secret that her sister has been struggling to become a Mom. It’s been a 7 year battle. Can you imagine?

Michelle had tried multiple IVF attempts. She achieved a pregnancy and was beyond overjoyed. Soon into her pregnancy she found out the baby was extremely unhealthy which lead to an unviable pregnancy. This left Michelle completely heartbroken.

Making matters worse, Michelle found out the pregnancy damaged her uterus and that she would never be able to carry a child. Her only option was adoption.

Michelle signed on with an adoption agency soon after. After completing her profile and paying her dues, the agency went bankrupt and Michelle lost her investment.

Michelle is a single, hardworking, independent woman. Losing that investment was devastating.

Most people would have given up, but she kept on with hopes of one day becoming a Mom. Michelle decided to sign on with a new agency and after a number of months she received the call that she had been long waiting for. She was chosen to be a Mother to a baby that is due next month!

This baby is a true gift from God. She is counting down the days until she is finally holding her child, rocking her to sleep in the nursery that’s been waiting for her.

Unfortunately adoptions are very expensive. Michelle has already taken out a maximum high interest personal loan as well at posted her car as collateral.

She needs your help. We have $13,000 we need to raise in order to finalize this adoption. Whatever amount you are able to afford is greatly appreciated. Every single dollar counts.

When I found out Michelle needed assistance raising the money, I jumped at the opportunity. I look at my Olivia and I can’t imagine putting a price tag on her. I also can’t imagine coming up short and losing the opportunity of parenting a child.

If you’re a parent I want you to stop for a moment and thank God for the miracle you have received. I want you to be grateful for the struggle you never had to face in bringing your child into the world.
Unfortunately not everyone is as fortunate.

Please help us bring this baby home.

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